Sunday, October 16, 2016

hide and seek.

hide and seek.
noun. song by imogen heap.

"what the hell is going on? the dust has only just begun to fall. crop circles in the carpet, sinking, feeling."

who knew andrea torres would get so goddamn rusty at writing? well, i guess "the dust has only just begun to fall". 

i'm dusting myself off.

i'm actually writing in my journal again.

such a little victory with such massive meaning.

hide and seek.

my God, i love this song.
listen to it here.

it makes you feel and think.

it pauses your world for a perfect, brief moment.

take that pause.

take in those strings of odd lyrics and allow yourself to feel.

i don't know...

how is it that as children we want to win/stay hidden during hide and seek, but as you get older, you want nothing more than to be found by someone when you're hiding.

whether that someone is you, somebody you love, or maybe not a somebody at all.

maybe a something-- such as happiness, or an epiphany, or a creative flow, whatever.

when did that change? 

perhaps some of you want to stay hidden, i get that.

but don't let the darkness consume you so much that you stay hidden from the good things in life.

this blog is all over the place, i apologize.

i thought about not posting this or editing the fuck out of it, but why not let you see this dusty mess? (hot.)

soon the dust will become gold though.


you should dust yourself off too, love.

do you ever wonder why people hide from their passions? 

is it purely fear?

beat that fear. conquer it. win.

chase your dreams or passions or whatever makes your soul healthy and happy.

take that risk.
seek your light.

i know it's scary, but hiding from it will just result in a void and possibly regret. 

let your soul shine, love.

do you.

stop hiding.
find yourself. find your psithurism. 
find your passion.
seek it. find it.

i believe in you. 

you should too.