noun. a letter sent with, and explaining the contents of, another document or parcel of goods.
earlier this year, i applied for a student photographer work study. as you guys know, photography has grown to be a huge passion in my life. i love the idea that although i cannot pause a moment, i can capture it.
with the application, i had to send in a cover letter.
i fell in love with this cover letter.
however, the employer did not.
this is the cover letter that didn't get me the job:
Mr. -------------------------------,
my favorite song is Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac. Why would I tell you that? There’s a line in that song that says “back to the floor that I love, to a room with some lace and paper flowers”—which Stevie Nicks wrote to reminisce on her humble, poor beginnings. Now not everybody can paint a picture with a melody and words strung together like Stevie Nicks, but I can still paint that picture. Instead of using a melody and words, I use my camera to capture that moment that some individuals will go “back to the floor that they love” while looking at.
Being a military child, I have grown up cherishing photographs more than others. The constant change has made me appreciate looking at pictures and how things were in that particular moment. Moments and people can change, but moments captured in film have the potential to last forever. That familiarity and simple joy that you get while looking at photographs is what I love.
Art is everywhere in the world, especially on this incredible campus, and art is meant to be appreciated. With my personality, skills, and camera, I have the potential to help evolve your photography and capture the immense beauty the University of Kansas provides.
Thank you for this huge opportunity.
I hope you will look at my photos and resume and consider me as your future employee.
Thank you,
Andrea Torres
this letter was more than just a cover letter. in a cliche sort of way, it felt like a huge piece of me. and i think others can relate to this, not because they are applying for a new job or whatever, but because that familiar "floor that i love, a room with some lace and paper flowers" lives in everybody's hearts.
also...maybe don't be so creative in cover letters...
but then again, i don't regret this at all.
creating this brightened up my soul a little bit. and that's worth not getting the job over.
there isn't much of a point to this blog post, but i guess just remember that your soul has to be some kind of top priority to you.
take care of yourself and fill yourself up with love...
because even if others (including employers) cannot see it, your beautiful soul is meant to shine.